Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spirit of St. Louis

Charles Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis. National Air & Space Museum, Washington, D.C.

On May 20th, 1927, Charles Lindbergh stepped into the cockpit of the small, single-engine monoplane named the Spirit of St. Louis for a daring attempt to fly from New York to Paris non-stop ("Smithsonian"). Even more challenging, Lindbergh would be making the trip alone, with only the "Spirit" as company. Less than thirty-four hours later, Charles Lindbergh safely landed in Paris, with a flight log of over 3600 miles. It would be the first non-stop, solo, transatlantic flight in aviation history.

The Spirit of St. Louis and Charles Lindbergh, Paris, France 1927
 How did this event occur? My thoughts were always that Lindbergh was pushing the limits; seeing how far technology and human judgment could go. In fact however, it was a contest put out by a New York Hotel owner -- a Mr. Raymond Orteig. The prize? $25,000 on the completion of a successful flight. Much different from my original thoughts of experimenting the ability of an aircraft! Sounds more like an amusement than scientific research! Aside from winning the grand prize, Lindbergh's achievement brought forth a wave of interest in the aviation industry. Stocks soared through the roof and since Lindbergh's flight was so successful, tourists felt more comfortable to try traveling by flight.

Aside from my interests in the Smithsonian, I have a special curiosity in things that defy explanation and are deemed "paranormal". I recently read a book entitled, "The Third Man Factor: Surviving the Impossible", written by John Geiger. It is a series of narratives describing desperate and severe circumstance that threatened the life of the subject. One of these narratives was by Charles Lindbergh himself, written in his journals during the famous 1927 non-stop flight from New York to Paris. While on board the Spirit of St. Louis, Lindbergh experienced moments of panic from ice building up on the wings, traveling through storms, and fighting the urge to succumb to sleep (84). Geiger writes, "He [Lindbergh] gradually became aware that, while his body demanded sleep, and his mind made decisions his body failed to heed, he had ceded control to a "separate mind", a force that he recognized as being something of himself, and yet not." During Lindbergh's twenty-second hour of the trip, he writes what he begins to feel around him:

the fuselage behind me becomes filled with ghostly 
presences-- vaguely outlined forms, transparent, moving,
riding weightless with me in the plane. I feel no surprise at 
their coming. There's no suddenness to their appearance. 
Without turning my head, I see them as clearly as though in
my normal field of vision.  

Ryan NYP Spirit of St. Louis (Cockpit). Photo: Eric Long

Geiger continues to write, "Lindbergh felt the 'phantoms' were speaking to him, and he judged them to be friendly... He felt he knew them; they were familiar, and he felt also that they were there to help, 'conversing and advising on my flight, discussing problems of navigation, reassuring me, giving me message of importance unattainable in ordinary life'"(85). After his successful landing in Paris, Lindbergh never mentioned to the press what he felt or saw with him in the plane's cabin. Even in his book detailing his passage, he never mentioned the friendly 'phantoms'. Only until 1939, in his memoirs did he write something in passing about "disembodied beings". Again in 1953, Lindbergh wrote in an article for The Saturday Evening Post, that:

I've never believed in apparitions, but how can I explain the 
forms I carried with me through so many hours of this day?
Transparent forms in human outline-- voices that spoke with
authority and clearness-- that told me--- that told me--- but 
what did they tell me? I can't remember a single word they 
said (87).

Charles Lindbergh and his flying companion (Solar Navigator)

What do you think? For a man who was awarded the Medal of Honor, and who had the skill to fly solo on a thirty-three hour flight back in 1927, do you believe what he saw? Do you think that inside that tight, small cabin, there were beings guiding him and helping him throughout his difficult journey? If so, one would be hard-pressed to agree that the Spirit of St. Louis flight was really solo. After reading that information willfully given by Lindbergh himself, it's exciting to see such an historical artifact as the Spirit of St. Louis in a different light!

1 comment:

  1. Works Cited

    Charles Lindbergh and His Flying Companion. Digital image. Charles Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. Louis. Solar Navigator. Web. 12 Mar. 2011. .

    Charles Lindbergh's Flight and Return. Dir. Soviet Officials 1933/10/25. Adapt. The Federalist Party. Perf. Charles LIndbergh. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 12 Mar. 2011. .

    Geiger, John. The Third Man Factor: Surviving the Impossible. New York: Weinstein, 2009. Print.

    Long/OIPP, Eric. Ryan NYP Spirit of St. Louis (Cockpit). Digital image. Spirit of St. Louis Photos - Rieker Incorporated. National Air and Space Musuem, Smithsonian Institute. Web. 12 Mar. 2011. .

    Smithsonian. "Spirit of St. Louis - Milestones of Flight." Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Smithsonian Institute. Web. 12 Mar. 2011. .

    Smithsonian. Spirit of St. Louis. Digital image. Ryan NYP "Spirit of St. Louis" Smithsonian Institute. Web. 12 Mar. 2011. .

    The Spirit of St. Louis and Charles Lindbergh, Paris, France 1927. Digital image. Charles Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. Louis. Solar Navigator. Web. 12 Mar. 2011. .
